Sensei Bruce Tulgan hosted an amazing event with some outstanding karateka!
The four day event included two daily trainings followed by a test on Sunday. Uechi Ryu sessions were taught by several different karate masters.
The first session was taught by Master Frank Gorman, 9th degree Black Belt. He shared a wealth of knowledge and wisdom from his over 50 years of dedicated Uechi Ryu training. The 5 principles of Sanchin were highlighted:
- To build a strong body
- Consolidate the basic stance
- Master the proper breathing method
- Penetrating eye
- Develop great spiritual and mental concentration
Master Joe Gilbert and Master Michael Harrigan, both Uechi Ryu 8th Dans led awesome classes on day two.
The importance of Sanchin was stressed as a necessary requirement to having a strong foundation of Uechi Ryu. They showed how to apply this understanding to hojo-undo and kata. It was great to see them share what took them so many years to learn.
Day three’s 1st session was taught by Master Ryan Dean of Largo FL. Second session was taught by Master Peggy Hess of Miami FL.

Master Dean had two main objectives in his sessions. First, he shared some of his understandings on how to generate extra striking power by using the hips and torso like a spring. His views on this are heavily influenced by Master and head of Jiteki Jyuku, Ken Nakamatsu, 9th Dan, as well as Masters Geoff Crouse, 6th Dan and Frank Gorman, 9th Dan.
Master Dean`s 2nd objective was to teach how to practice sparring safely while getting the most benefit; a win-win approach!
Master Peggy Hess broke down in great detail the kata Seichin. She spent hours tweaking the intricate blocks of advanced Uechi Kata, demonstrating why she is one of the greats:
- Skui age uke – scooping upward
- Gedan harai uke – sweeping
- Wari uke – split block
- Watari uke – tornado block
- Furi nukite swinging- finger tip
- Neko ashi wauke – cat stance
Dan Test
On Sunday morning there was a karate black belt dan test. Ian Sweeney tested for Shodan, Kai De Graaf tested for Nidan and Master Mike Harrigan tested for Hachidan.
All students performed well and were promoted. Master Harrigan has been dilligently studying Uechi Ryu for 37 years.